www.barandclub.com - Bar And Club

Nightlife Social Media

Nightlife Social Media

Some people say that social media is a great way to pass the time and others say that it is a great way to market a business. In this post we will tell you what we use social media for. Lets start with Facebook... We have a Facebook page which you can go to and see here: https://www.facebook.com/barandclub/ (feel free to like us) We use this to tell people what we are up to and any new things that we are doing with the business. We have our Facebook Group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/barandclub/ (feel free to join the group) We use this group to bring people together that love the nightlife scene and experience. Next we have Instagram... which is owned by Facebook... We use Instagram to post any and every photo we take for from outdoor adventures with the crew, party bus progress, and even going out to bars and clubs. Follow us on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/barandclub/. Our Pinterest page is kinda like Instagram where we pin anything and everything nightlife, see for yourself and follow us here: https://www.pinterest.com/barandclub/. And then there was twitter, our twitter is a run off of our Instagram, twitter can be a full time job, we might have someone managing it soon but for now its kinda slow feed here: https://twitter.com/barandclub. If you feel like snapping us some nightlife we are on SnapChat @BarAndClub. If you have a Question about nightlife let us know on Skype or Kik @BarAndClub as well. Stay tuned for another blog post soon. We will be trying to make more in the upcoming future.

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