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Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Big Groups Asking For Separate Checks

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Big Groups Asking For Separate Checks

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Big Groups Asking For Separate Checks

Imagine you are the bartender serving a group of eight people. After ordering a few rounds, they ask for separate checks, and pay with different credit cards. Seems like too much trouble right? While the customers have the right to ask for separate checks, bartenders hope most will be thoughtful and considerate. Especially during peak hours when there are so many people. Instead of paying with different credit cards, use one as the designated payer, and just pay him back your share, especially if it is a small amount. This act of kindness will surely be appreciated. It is not a difficult thing to do.

Source: http://fortbendlifestylesandhomes.com

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