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Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Calling The Bartender When You Are Not Yet Ready To Order

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Calling The Bartender When You Are Not Yet Ready To Order

Annoying Things People Do To Piss Off Bartenders - Calling The Bartender When You Are Not Yet Ready To Order

This is a mistake some patrons make. They call the bartender over and tell him “Wait a minute while I ask my friends what they want to drink.” You are actually holding the bartender hostage. He is not your personal valet to wait on you. Ask your friends first what they want before going up to the bar. That way you don’t waste anyone’s time. It is just a matter of common sense. Sadly, it is not as common as it should be.

Source: https://www.rd.com

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