Drink Description
Eenytini contains Blue Curacao, Gin, 7-Up, and Cranberry juice. Pour blue curacao, gin and 7-Up into a shaker tin filled with ice. Swirl until tin is frosty. Pour into Martini (Cocktail) Glass. Repeat with the cranberry juice and add to glass so that an electric-purple color is achieved. Garnish with a cherry on a sparkler stick.
Glass Type
Cocktail glass
Cocktail glass
1/2 oz Blue Curacao|1/2 oz Gin|1 oz 7-Up or Sprite|1/2 oz Cranberry juice
1/2 oz Blue Curacao|1/2 oz Gin|1 oz 7-Up or Sprite|1/2 oz Cranberry juice
Pour blue curacao, gin and 7-Up into a shaker tin filled with ice. Swirl until tin is frosty. Pour into Martini (Cocktail) Glass. Repeat with the cranberry juice and add to glass so that an electric-purple color is achieved. Garnish with a cherry on a sparkler stick.
Pour blue curacao, gin and 7-Up into a shaker tin filled with ice. Swirl until tin is frosty. Pour into Martini (Cocktail) Glass. Repeat with the cranberry juice and add to glass so that an electric-purple color is achieved. Garnish with a cherry on a sparkler stick.
Shopping List
Blue Curacao|Gin|7-Up|Cranberry juice
Blue Curacao|Gin|7-Up|Cranberry juice
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