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Grapes of Wrath

Grapes of Wrath

Drink Description

Grapes of Wrath contains Blue Curacao, Vodka, Cranberry juice, Grape juice, Coca-Cola, and Pineapple juice. Fill collins glass with ice. Pour blue curacao and vodka into glass. Fill 3/4 of the glass with 1/2 cranberry juice and 1/2 grape juice. Then fill the rest of the glass with coke. Add a splash of pineapple at the top and then shake thoroughly.

Glass Type
Collins glass
3 oz Blue Curacao|1 oz Vodka|2 oz Cranberry juice|2 oz Grape juice|1 oz Coca-Cola|1 splash of Pineapple juice
Fill collins glass with ice. Pour blue curacao and vodka into glass. Fill 3/4 of the glass with 1/2 cranberry juice and 1/2 grape juice. Then fill the rest of the glass with coke. Add a splash of pineapple at the top and then shake thoroughly.
Shopping List
Blue Curacao|Vodka|Cranberry juice|Grape juice|Coca-Cola|Pineapple juice

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