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Arizona Sunset

Arizona Sunset

Drink Description

Arizona Sunset contains Tequila, Triple sec, Roses sweetened lime juice, Creme de Noyaux, and Orange juice. All you have to do is add ice to tall-stemed cocktail glass. slowly pour cream de noyaux over ice until some settels on the bottom. add tequila, triple sec, lime juice, & orange juice into shaker with ice, shake thourghly. pour over ice. Garnish with straw, and lime slice or orange & cherry.

Ordinary Drink
Glass Type
Any glass
1 1/2 oz white Tequila|1 oz Triple sec|1/2 oz Rose's sweetened lime juice|Creme de Noyaux|4 oz Orange juice
Add ice to tall-stemed cocktail glass. slowly pour cream de noyaux over ice until some settels on the bottom. add tequila, triple sec, lime juice, & orange juice into shaker with ice, shake thourghly. pour over ice. Garnish with straw, and lime slice or orange & cherry
Shopping List
Tequila|Triple sec|Rose's sweetened lime juice|Creme de Noyaux|Orange juice

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