Drink Description
Bootlegger Tea contains Vodka, Rum, Triple sec, Sweet and sour, 7-Up, Grenadine, and Ice. All you have to do is order of pour: Pint glass iced, 3/4 oz Vodka, 3/4 oz Rum, 3/4 oz Triple Sec. 1/2 fill sweet and sour, 1/2 fill seven-up, splash grenadine to get a slight pink color.
Ordinary Drink
Ordinary Drink
Glass Type
Cocktail glass
Cocktail glass
3/4 oz Vodka|3/4 oz Rum|3/4 oz Triple sec|Sweet and sour|7-Up|1 splash Grenadine|Ice
3/4 oz Vodka|3/4 oz Rum|3/4 oz Triple sec|Sweet and sour|7-Up|1 splash Grenadine|Ice
Order of pour: Pint glass iced, 3/4 oz Vodka, 3/4 oz Rum, 3/4 oz Triple Sec. 1/2 fill sweet and sour, 1/2 fill seven-up, splash grenadine to get a slight pink color.
Order of pour: Pint glass iced, 3/4 oz Vodka, 3/4 oz Rum, 3/4 oz Triple Sec. 1/2 fill sweet and sour, 1/2 fill seven-up, splash grenadine to get a slight pink color.
Shopping List
Vodka|Rum|Triple sec|Sweet and sour|7-Up|Grenadine|Ice
Vodka|Rum|Triple sec|Sweet and sour|7-Up|Grenadine|Ice
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