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Glogg Extract

Glogg Extract

Drink Description

Glogg Extract contains Cloves, Cinnamon, Cardamom, Lemon peel, and Aquavit. Of course in Norway most people just buy an extract. Anyway, this makes a pretty nice Glogg: Add cloves, cardamon pods, cinnamon, and citrus peel to a glass with a generous measure of snaps (akvavit) or vodka. Let sit for a day or so. This makes a very nice extract that can be added to any decent red wine. Just heat up the wine slowly (don't let it boil!!), and add sugar and extract to taste.

Punch & Party Drink
Glass Type
Any glass
10-15 Cloves|2-3 sticks Cinnamon|10 Cardamom pods|Some Lemon peel (or orange peel)|Aquavit (or vodka or schnapps)
Of course in Norway most people just buy an extract. Anyway, this makes a pretty nice Glogg: Add cloves, cardamon pods, cinnamon, and citrus peel to a glass with a generous measure of snaps (akvavit) or vodka. Let sit for a day or so. This makes a very nice extract that can be added to any decent red wine. Just heat up the wine slowly (don't let it boil!!), and add sugar and extract to taste.
Shopping List
Cloves|Cinnamon|Cardamom|Lemon peel|Aquavit

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