Drink Description
Dr. Pepper #5 contains Amaretto, 151 proof rum, and Beer. Mix the Amaretto & Bacardi in one shot glass. Fill the beer mug 1/2 way with beer. Light the Bacardi & Amaretto with a match or lighter. Drop the flaming shot glass into the beer. It immediately begins to foam up. At this point gulp it down (be careful not to swallow the shot glass!).
Glass Type
Beer mug
Beer mug
1/2 shot Amaretto|1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum|1/2 glass Beer (Domestic)
1/2 shot Amaretto|1/2 shot Bacardi 151 proof rum|1/2 glass Beer (Domestic)
Mix the Amaretto & Bacardi in one shot glass. Fill the beer mug 1/2 way with beer. Light the Bacardi & Amaretto with a match or lighter. Drop the flaming shot glass into the beer. It immediately begins to foam up. At this point gulp it down (be careful not to swallow the shot glass!).
Mix the Amaretto & Bacardi in one shot glass. Fill the beer mug 1/2 way with beer. Light the Bacardi & Amaretto with a match or lighter. Drop the flaming shot glass into the beer. It immediately begins to foam up. At this point gulp it down (be careful not to swallow the shot glass!).
Shopping List
Amaretto|151 proof rum|Beer
Amaretto|151 proof rum|Beer
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