We are happy to share a little of our story with you. The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community is comprised of two tribes; the Pima or "Akimel O'Odham"(River People) and the Maricopa or "Xalychidom Piipaash" (People who live toward the water).
The Pima and Maricopa tribes were a peaceful people who lived and farmed along the Salt River and joined together for protection. The Salt River reservation was established in 1879 by President Rutherford B. Hayes and includes over 52,000 acres, over 19,000 of which are currently held as natural preserve.
Today our membership is approximately 10,000 strong. The SRP-MIC own and operate several enterprises, including Salt River Materials Group, Saddleback Communications, Casino Arizona™ and Talking Stick Resort™. The Community and its tribal government are known throughout Indian Country for their business savvy and successful community programs.
We are proud to add a richness and diversity to the Valley and surrounding communities with our history, art and culture. To learn more about our community please visit the community web site at http://www.srpmic-nsn.gov.