595 was founded on the principle that a company’s success is dependent on the well being of its community and its employees.
If the community in which the company serves thrives, so too shall its employees. Coupled with their unrivaled passion for Craft beer in a city with an insatiable appetite for delicious golden bubbly liquid, owners Chris Holding and Van-Alan Nguyen set out to do just that – provide a humble safehaven where people of all walks of life can congregate sharing the greatest unifier in the world, a cold pint.
By providing a warm and welcoming place for beer nerds, familiar neighbors, curious customers, or just someone who happened to be in the area searching for a great meal and a cheap pint, we hope to energize the community in joining us to support the independent brewers who pour their heart and soul into every batch of beer they brew. Through years of discussions and debates, we learned that the only glamorous part of brewing beer is being able to serve the finished product to you. And so, we hope to protect that sacred tradition by creating a culture that cultivates curiosity and champions an undying thirst for knowledge in the craft.